
New York International Gift Fair Tradeshow, NY, USA

Initiated an innovative eco-conscious design, printing, and well-being publishing company.

Designing for our clients and our own products with curiosity, insights, resourcefulness and intentional impact not only with our minds but also our external environment.

Our papers and printing are sourced sustainably, using 100% recycled papersustainable stocks, eco inks and green electricity. Manufactured in-country distribution (as much as possible) to support the local economy, as well as, mom and pop shops.

We are most proud of our top of the line reccycled black covers which is 100% Made in America and manufactured at a hydroelectric powered paper mill facility.

To minimize waste, we repurpose trimmings from the production process to create additional functional items like gift tags and memo pads. They were curated for the NY NOW Sustainability: Design for a Better World®.

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Sustainability: Design for a Better World
Sustainability: Design for a Better World, New York, USA